In the beginning there was perfect symmetry but some inexplicable event happened to destroy symmetry and create the world we live in today. So say scientists mentioned in Michio Kaku’s book The God Equation.
I find this thought intriguing because it actually reconciles the question that asks how a loving God can exist in a broken word. Why are there bad things? Not just bad people, not just the actions and consequences of bad behavior, but also natural disasters, plague and disease. How can these things exist if there is a loving God?
No matter what they try, scientists have not been able to explain symmetry in gravity and some have decided that the Big Bang began with symmetry but lost its symmetry. They can’t explain why, but Genesis 3 can.
In the beginning God created a world and it was good. But man wanted to be like God. He wanted to know good and evil. He didn’t just want to know it. He wanted to redefine it. He wanted to make the perfect world God created into a world that suited his desires and wants. And so he made a choice and introduced a new variable into the symmetry.
But s doesn’t stand for the Supersymmetry that comes from the impossible to prove string theory that attempts to balance out the lack of symmetry. It stands for Selfishness. Instead of balancing symmetry, it destroyed symmetry. So not only were the desires of man corrupted by evil thoughts and behavior, the balance of everything was corrupted. The S variable brought death, decay and entropy because the symmetry that balanced everything no longer existed.
The explanation of gravity is simple. The g we use to represent gravity stands for God. (Yes, I know the matching g’s don’t work in every language, but I like that it works for mine.) God holds everything together. He is the force that keeps the planets perfectly balanced so they do not move too close together or too far away. He is the force that holds together the quarks that hold the neutrons and protons in atoms. He is the force that creates symmetry.
But man pushed out God. Man didn’t want God. Man works as hard as he possibly can to create a g where G is supposed to be. And since God created free will, he allows man to push while he stands back and waits for man to come to his senses. And the more man pushes God out of the equation, the more entropy increases and the more evil, sickness and natural disasters we face.
But God is a loving God. He created man for relationship and companionship and love. He doesn’t want to see man suffer. And so God created a solution. He sent his son to fix the balance. But he can’t fix it for all people because that would violate free will. He sent his son to be the balancing equation, the Supersymmetry that will exist in the next life.
God is going to wait until the entropy in the heart of man that affects all things is complete (that moment when the gospel has been spread to all corners of the earth and all men have had a chance to choose whether they want G or g). Then he’s going to replace this heaven and earth with a new heaven and earth that has the original symmetry. Only this time, the only people who are going to be there are the ones who want to be with God instead of creating their own god.
Those will be the people who accept the restoration of symmetry because they realize that it is their own ego and selfishness that destroyed symmetry and only with God can they have symmetry. They recognize that God creates symmetry and that he is the fulfillment of all the longing in their heart and soul. They accept and rejoice in the fact that handing over the Design of the world to the Master Designer instead of trying to create a world without him is the way to life, joy and peace. They accept and rejoice in the Master Designer.
And so, in the next life men will get what they want. Those who want G will have God and live in a world of perfect symmetry and beauty and those who want g will get an existence without any symmetry or beauty. Because anyone who wants to create any level of g will destroy the symmetry in the new world as well. And this is why man must either choose to be completely with God or completely without God. Symmetry cannot exist halfway.