Follow the adventures of Faren, a searching soul in a world of darkness and fear, as he journeys through a world filled with bitterness, pride, sorrow and greed. Enduring the scorn and skepticism of the world around him, he struggles on through his own uncertainties as he searches for a mythical place he is told is real. With difficulties on every side, including arrest and imprisonment, will Faren ever find the Great Giver of Life and fulfill his dreams?
Now available in hardback, paperback and Kindle!
English spelling is often silly. This story is about words that are pronounced in ways that do not match how they are spelled. I have spelled them out phonetically so that they are pronounced the way they look instead of the way they are said. Follow the simple adventures of a day in the life of a knight that show just how silly English can be.

Conoces a la linda lombriz y sus amigos en un libro donde todos las palabras empiezan con la letra L.
Para los amantes de los trabalenguas, los niños que aprenden fonética y alguien que esté aprendiendo sobre español y México.
Meet the pretty worm and her friends in a book where all the words begin with the letter L. For lovers of tongue twisters, children learning phonics and anyone learning about Spanish and Mexico.
With dictionary and cultural notes for English speakers!
Living in the heart of the fortress city of Sener, Perszi works as a reporter, in this prequel to The Great Giver of Life. One day he meets Elhanan, a believer of the mythical waterfall known as the Great Giver of Life. Disgusted by the thought of anyone who could believe in such a crazy thing, Perszi resents his presence. But Elhanan leads a very different life than the rude and obnoxious followers of the Giver Perzsi had run into before. As Elhanan and Perzsi form a true friendship, Perzsi learns about the Giver in ways he never expected.

Conoces el pato y sus amigos en un libro donde todos las palabras empiezan con la letra p. Para los amantes de los trabalenguas, los niños que aprenden fonética y alguien que esté aprendiendo sobre español y México.
Meet the duck and his friends in a book where all the words begin with the letter p! For lovers of tongue twisters, children learning phonics and anyone learning about Spanish and Mexico.
With dictionary and cultural notes for English speakers!
When their grandfather has an accident, Ramey and his twin brother, Mateo, go to stay with him for a while in the town of Sarish. With its easy-going and relaxed atmosphere and endless friendly smiles, at first it feels like a summer vacation. But with new friends and new ideas, Ramey must endure the testing of his faith as he faces a world of uncertainty in this open-minded presentation of the five major world religions.

In a world that has not yet learned about autism, Nekana struggles to handle life. The joy and peace she finds through the Great Giver of Life seems far out of reach. Reluctantly, she returns to her hometown hoping to avoid discovery by the cruel boss from her past. There she meets Ziva who realizes her mind works differently and teaches her how to understand herself, adapt and find her strengths. But will Nekana ever learn how to experience peace and joy in the midst of her difficulties?
"If you believe in me, you will go to heaven when you die" Jesus said. Or did he? This is what I had been taught. No matter what you did, "once saved, always saved." The serial murderer who "confessed" that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven would go through the pearly gates while the noble, righteous, self-sacrificing man who had never heard of Jesus would not. Is that really what the Bible says? Disgusted by the thought, I set out on a journey to confront the common claims of Christianity as taught in many modern churches today. This is what I found.